Regression Therapy is an incredibly powerful and transformational therapy. It provides a safe environment for you to heal traumas, negative states of mind, as well as fears and phobias. There is also the opportunity to get the answers to the questions you always wanted to know - as well as providing an insightful vision of you, as the unique individual that you are.
And it's also the perfect therapy for the enquiring mind, for the individual who is always searching, and wondering if there is more to life, or even more to this existence…
What is Regression Therapy?
Regression means to go back, and as a therapy, regression is used to go to the source of the issue. A very simple example is to think of a fear of heights. This may have its origins in a childhood memory, when we experienced panic at perhaps climbing a tall mountain. As so many of our childhood memories are forgotten or buried, the client may have forgotten this event - and the subconscious mind may have hidden it from us as a way of protecting ourself.
But with any fear or phobia, the emotion associated with it (in this case fear, anxiety and panic) can prove to be very debilitating. It is almost as though the emotion is stuck in time - a frozen, hidden memory - that needs to be understood and transformed so that the individual can carry on and continue to live a healthy and fulfilling life - free from fear.
We all want to live our life without fears or phobias or negative conditions. When we have decided that it is time to create change, and be the best and the most fulfilled that we can be, then Regression Therapy can provide the healing and the answers. It allows you to live your life from a perspective of greater understanding and freedom.
What is Regression Therapy useful for?
It is used for such a wide variety of issues. The most common areas are unknown fears, phobias and pains; as well as negative states such as anxiety, panic and stress - to name but a few. Life direction, relationship issues and family concerns can all be addressed through this therapy.
Regression therapy gets to the root cause of the issue and through understanding and the transformational techniques used, healing can occur on a very deep level. From this perspective, clients can experience change in all areas of their life, and often uncover the reasons as to why certain events or situations are happening. Isn't knowledge the key to understanding?
Will I always experience a past life in Regression Therapy?
Not necessarily. Through dialogue and agreement I work individually with every client to help them uncover the root of the cause of their issue. Sometimes, the root of the issue can be in a past life. But the root can also lie in this life - this is called Current Life Regression. Sometimes the cause of an issue can be hidden from the conscious mind, and through the skills and techniques of regression, these memories can be healed through understanding and awareness. In certain cases, inner child healing may be necessary, or body or parts therapy may prove the key to unlocking the issue.
How does healing or understanding take place?
There is a part of us, in all of us, that has all the answers. Some people describe this as intuition or the quiet voice within, other people call it the soul, while others will describe it as the all-knowing part, or perhaps divine guidance or even God or Buddha. But the most interesting aspect of Regression Therapy is that you don't have to have any particular beliefs or understanding. And it is totally viable for those with no particular belief systems at all to experience this amazing therapy.
What if I don't have a spiritual perspective on life?
That's absolutely fine. Regression therapy works no matter what your perspective on life is. And it's interesting to know that the pioneers in this area came from either an agnostic or atheist background, and they worked in the 'conventional' medical professions of clinical hypnotherapy, psychology and psychiatry. Through their initial and unintentional discoveries, when they regressed patients back to the source, the beginning, of a particular issue, they found that the patient often went on to recount a life before their own. There are many documented findings in this area and they make for interesting reading.
However, it is not essential, or sometimes necessary to experience a past life. Current life regression can often give us the necessary insights and answers needed to heal and move on.
How does it work?
The insights and healing experienced in Regression Therapy are accessed by leading the client into a very light trance (this is a much misinterpreted word that simply means a state of relaxation). When the mind and the body are relaxed, it is possible to work in communication with your 'higher self ' (Universal wisdom or the all-knowing part of us). An incredible amount of understanding, on a deep level, can be attained.
Understanding why we are here, what we set out to learn from the experience, why those certain people are in our life - and often why others are not - uncovering the motivations of others and the dynamics of the life we lead - these are all fascinating aspects of Regression Therapy.
From a spiritual perspective, all of these insights can be described as soul contracts, connecting and identifying with soul groups, understanding the journey of the soul,
and attaining information previously unavailable from the conscious mind gives a whole new meaning and fulfilling dimension to your life.
How will I feel afterwards?
Looking at life from a bigger perspective is incredibly insightful. The ability to understand your path in life, why events have occurred along the way and perhaps your purpose are extremely dynamic learnings which have the ability to literally change your life and your perspective in a dramatically positive and healing way.
How long does a session last and how many sessions will I need?
Your requirements and expectations will be discussed at the onset of your session, and assessed with on a regular basis.
From experience, I have found that an initial two hour appointment gives the client time to explore the root cause and provides the necessary time and space for understanding, healing and reintegration.
All of your needs, expectations and goals will be discussed at the initial interview and, where possible an expectation of time scales and costings can be forecast.
I incorporate, when appropriate, elements of regression therapy, utilising a knowledge, understanding and experience of past and current life regression, inner child healing, re-birthing, parts and body therapy, psychodrama and the release of any intrusive energy. As an energetic healer, I also include healing techniques within and when appropriate to all of my clients’ requirements.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of self discovery; uncovering approaches of learning about yourself in a deeply profound way that Regression Therapy has the opportunity to present. You are empowered, you are wonderful and life may never be the same again!
You can read more about me and Regression Therapy on the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association website.
Make a booking here
Download a client form here.
And it's also the perfect therapy for the enquiring mind, for the individual who is always searching, and wondering if there is more to life, or even more to this existence…
What is Regression Therapy?
Regression means to go back, and as a therapy, regression is used to go to the source of the issue. A very simple example is to think of a fear of heights. This may have its origins in a childhood memory, when we experienced panic at perhaps climbing a tall mountain. As so many of our childhood memories are forgotten or buried, the client may have forgotten this event - and the subconscious mind may have hidden it from us as a way of protecting ourself.
But with any fear or phobia, the emotion associated with it (in this case fear, anxiety and panic) can prove to be very debilitating. It is almost as though the emotion is stuck in time - a frozen, hidden memory - that needs to be understood and transformed so that the individual can carry on and continue to live a healthy and fulfilling life - free from fear.
We all want to live our life without fears or phobias or negative conditions. When we have decided that it is time to create change, and be the best and the most fulfilled that we can be, then Regression Therapy can provide the healing and the answers. It allows you to live your life from a perspective of greater understanding and freedom.
What is Regression Therapy useful for?
It is used for such a wide variety of issues. The most common areas are unknown fears, phobias and pains; as well as negative states such as anxiety, panic and stress - to name but a few. Life direction, relationship issues and family concerns can all be addressed through this therapy.
Regression therapy gets to the root cause of the issue and through understanding and the transformational techniques used, healing can occur on a very deep level. From this perspective, clients can experience change in all areas of their life, and often uncover the reasons as to why certain events or situations are happening. Isn't knowledge the key to understanding?
Will I always experience a past life in Regression Therapy?
Not necessarily. Through dialogue and agreement I work individually with every client to help them uncover the root of the cause of their issue. Sometimes, the root of the issue can be in a past life. But the root can also lie in this life - this is called Current Life Regression. Sometimes the cause of an issue can be hidden from the conscious mind, and through the skills and techniques of regression, these memories can be healed through understanding and awareness. In certain cases, inner child healing may be necessary, or body or parts therapy may prove the key to unlocking the issue.
How does healing or understanding take place?
There is a part of us, in all of us, that has all the answers. Some people describe this as intuition or the quiet voice within, other people call it the soul, while others will describe it as the all-knowing part, or perhaps divine guidance or even God or Buddha. But the most interesting aspect of Regression Therapy is that you don't have to have any particular beliefs or understanding. And it is totally viable for those with no particular belief systems at all to experience this amazing therapy.
What if I don't have a spiritual perspective on life?
That's absolutely fine. Regression therapy works no matter what your perspective on life is. And it's interesting to know that the pioneers in this area came from either an agnostic or atheist background, and they worked in the 'conventional' medical professions of clinical hypnotherapy, psychology and psychiatry. Through their initial and unintentional discoveries, when they regressed patients back to the source, the beginning, of a particular issue, they found that the patient often went on to recount a life before their own. There are many documented findings in this area and they make for interesting reading.
However, it is not essential, or sometimes necessary to experience a past life. Current life regression can often give us the necessary insights and answers needed to heal and move on.
How does it work?
The insights and healing experienced in Regression Therapy are accessed by leading the client into a very light trance (this is a much misinterpreted word that simply means a state of relaxation). When the mind and the body are relaxed, it is possible to work in communication with your 'higher self ' (Universal wisdom or the all-knowing part of us). An incredible amount of understanding, on a deep level, can be attained.
Understanding why we are here, what we set out to learn from the experience, why those certain people are in our life - and often why others are not - uncovering the motivations of others and the dynamics of the life we lead - these are all fascinating aspects of Regression Therapy.
From a spiritual perspective, all of these insights can be described as soul contracts, connecting and identifying with soul groups, understanding the journey of the soul,
and attaining information previously unavailable from the conscious mind gives a whole new meaning and fulfilling dimension to your life.
How will I feel afterwards?
Looking at life from a bigger perspective is incredibly insightful. The ability to understand your path in life, why events have occurred along the way and perhaps your purpose are extremely dynamic learnings which have the ability to literally change your life and your perspective in a dramatically positive and healing way.
How long does a session last and how many sessions will I need?
Your requirements and expectations will be discussed at the onset of your session, and assessed with on a regular basis.
From experience, I have found that an initial two hour appointment gives the client time to explore the root cause and provides the necessary time and space for understanding, healing and reintegration.
All of your needs, expectations and goals will be discussed at the initial interview and, where possible an expectation of time scales and costings can be forecast.
I incorporate, when appropriate, elements of regression therapy, utilising a knowledge, understanding and experience of past and current life regression, inner child healing, re-birthing, parts and body therapy, psychodrama and the release of any intrusive energy. As an energetic healer, I also include healing techniques within and when appropriate to all of my clients’ requirements.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of self discovery; uncovering approaches of learning about yourself in a deeply profound way that Regression Therapy has the opportunity to present. You are empowered, you are wonderful and life may never be the same again!
You can read more about me and Regression Therapy on the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association website.
Make a booking here
Download a client form here.