This is an excellent starting point when learning about healing energy. No previous knowledge or experience is needed to begin with Level 1. Each level is a one day certified course. Once you reach Level 2 you may apply for professional insurance to work with the public. On a personal level, Reiki offers the means for greater self knowledge, energy awareness and healing on all levels. I would highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in personal development.
First Degree
The training includes powerful and sacred First Degree activating initiations, information on the history of Reiki and ways of applying this unique science. Specific hand positions covering the head, front and back of the body, and their corresponding physical, mental, emotional and spiritual significance are covered. Instructions are given on how to utilise Reiki with one self, family, friends, pets, plants, food and water. An actual Reiki treatment is experienced. You will be provided with a comprehensive manual and certificate.
Second Degree / Practitioner Level
Second Degree Reiki enables one to send healing to any time or place, increases intuition and vibration It includes a powerful, sacred Second Degree initiation, which attunes you to dynamic, multi-dimensional energy keys or symbols. These sacred symbols allow you to access many different levels or dimensions of energy. A discussion of the symbols and their origins as well as their precise usage is given. Specific techniques of absentee healing, personal transformation, Reiki with crystals and healing mental/emotional disorders and the use of a pendulum are also presented. You will be provided with a comprehensive manual and a certificate.
Third Degree / Personal Mastership / Master Practitioner Level
Third Degree for Personal Mastery, for personal growth, transformation and increased well-being. You will learn Master level symbols to access more powerful dimensions of energy. You will also learn how to make a Crystal Energy Grid which brings in more light and love to the planet and sends continuous Reiki treatments, as well as a procedure to remove particularly difficult energy blocks. In additional you are attuned to Tibetan Master level Reiki and the Grace Symbol. A comprehensive manual and certificate are provided.
Reiki Master / Teacher
If you have completed all three levels of Reiki and are considering that teaching it may be on your path, please contact me to discuss.
Booking is essential for these workshops, please contact me to reserve your place or to find out more.
Email: ruthh[email protected] Tel: 07545 47 48 78
More dates may be available on request, please contact me with your requirements.
First Degree
The training includes powerful and sacred First Degree activating initiations, information on the history of Reiki and ways of applying this unique science. Specific hand positions covering the head, front and back of the body, and their corresponding physical, mental, emotional and spiritual significance are covered. Instructions are given on how to utilise Reiki with one self, family, friends, pets, plants, food and water. An actual Reiki treatment is experienced. You will be provided with a comprehensive manual and certificate.
Second Degree / Practitioner Level
Second Degree Reiki enables one to send healing to any time or place, increases intuition and vibration It includes a powerful, sacred Second Degree initiation, which attunes you to dynamic, multi-dimensional energy keys or symbols. These sacred symbols allow you to access many different levels or dimensions of energy. A discussion of the symbols and their origins as well as their precise usage is given. Specific techniques of absentee healing, personal transformation, Reiki with crystals and healing mental/emotional disorders and the use of a pendulum are also presented. You will be provided with a comprehensive manual and a certificate.
Third Degree / Personal Mastership / Master Practitioner Level
Third Degree for Personal Mastery, for personal growth, transformation and increased well-being. You will learn Master level symbols to access more powerful dimensions of energy. You will also learn how to make a Crystal Energy Grid which brings in more light and love to the planet and sends continuous Reiki treatments, as well as a procedure to remove particularly difficult energy blocks. In additional you are attuned to Tibetan Master level Reiki and the Grace Symbol. A comprehensive manual and certificate are provided.
Reiki Master / Teacher
If you have completed all three levels of Reiki and are considering that teaching it may be on your path, please contact me to discuss.
Booking is essential for these workshops, please contact me to reserve your place or to find out more.
Email: ruthh[email protected] Tel: 07545 47 48 78
More dates may be available on request, please contact me with your requirements.